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    WEF Competitiveness Rankings Bulletin 2019-2

    WEF 2019 Cover
    Date:09 October 2019 
    Source: NCC
    Topics: Competitiveness Bulletins


    NCC Bulletin on WEF 2019 Competitiveness Rankings

    The NCC has published a Competitiveness Bulletin summarising Ireland's performance in the latest World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index Report. This is an annual assessment of the factors driving productivity and prosperity across 12 ‘pillars’ of competitiveness.

    Ireland is ranked 24th out of 141 economies, a fall of one place from last year. Overall, Ireland scored 75.12 (out of 100). In terms of rankings, Ireland performs well in relation to labour market (6th), business dynamism (10th), and institutions (16th). Areas requiring improved performance are evident in relation to infrastructure (40th), financial system (42nd), and ICT adoption (49th).


    The bulletin can be accessed here